
Showing posts from June, 2020

Stars Speak To Man

Stars Speak to Man  by  Abdul Ahad Azad “Stars Speak to Man” is one of the greatest poems of Abdul Ahad Azad translated into English by Prof G.R Malik. Azad is often known as John Keats of Kashmir because like Keats he also wrote modernist poems and both died early in the forties. His work is still famous among Kashmiris and he has composed many well known Kashmiri songs which are sung all over Kashmir. He, for the most part, dedicated his verse to Allah (God.) He desired through his poems to make sensibility and to create awareness among individuals. He helped people to remember what they were made for and what they have been doing, they have overlooked the genuine reason they were made for. He wanted people to wake up from the whimsical sleep and accomplish something to support humankind before it is too late. He was born in Ranger Chadoora 1903 and died in 1948. The poet Abdul Ahad Azad in the poem “Stars Speak to Man” talks about the callousness and avarice of...

Colours of Rainbow By Chanchal Sharma

Glossary    Awning: a canvas supported by a frame to give protection against the weather  Barely: almost not oblivious: not aware of something  Splendiferous: splendid; grand in appearance  Musings: thoughts  Convolutions: twists; (here) troubles, difficulties  Hues: colours  Tiff: a slight argument  Brewing: about to happen  Cherish: to love, care and protect  Good riddance: used to express happiness that someone or something unwanted has gone.  Hauteur: excessive pride  Awry: not right  Well-to-do: rich, prosperous  Remonstrate: to argue in protest  Fortification: defence  Breach: to break through  Incarnation: human form  Q. 1. Working with the Text (A)  Answer the following questions.   1. What did the narrator observe when he looked out?  Ans. He observed the beauties of nature. He observed how the drops of water were dripping and ...