Flora and fauna of Jammu and Kashmir UT
Flora and Fauna of J&K UT Jammu Division Natural Vegetation( Green Gold ) : The term natural vegetation is used loosely to describe any plant life that is not organized or influenced by mankind. Flora: latin word; godess of plants, flowers and fertility. Natural Vegetation Depends upon : ( i ) Climate ,( ii) Physiographic,( iii) Edephic conditions ,( iv) Biotic setting, ( v) Human interaction with nature . Forest types in Jammu Sub-Tropical (Shivaliks) Temperate (Southern Lesser Himalayas) ¡ Forest cover of Jammu is 45%(12066 sq. km) Flora in Jammu Division Dry Savanna and Thick undergrowth of bushes and scrubs. The dominant species: teak , sal , Shisham , Pipal ( ficus religiosa ), Banyan, kekar Ber , Mango, Palm, Bamboo Tun , silver-pine, Mohowa , Khair (Acacia- catehu ), tall grasses( Khar ). Deciduous Trees Shed their leaves between Jan- Mar . Flora in Jammu Division Chir is the most valuable...